Who I am

I have a background in Dance and have taught dance and movement to all ages for over 15 years before having my children. When I danced in college they staff encouraged supplementing our dance with Yoga. I could feel the strength and flexibility it was building in me, but little did I know it had so much more to teach me.

After my first child I was thrown into the world of caregiving, and with my second child I experienced pretty severe postpartum. I knew when I had my third, I needed to approach my recovery differently. I remembered the lessons and movement I had during my time studying Yoga in college, and how it made me feel centered when I was finished on my mat. I had always wanted to pursue a certification in it but never felt capable.

When the world was going to close down due to the pandemic and I was a few months postpartum with my third child, I decided to go for it! I checked it off my bucket list. What I didnt realize is how much it would shape me as a mother, a caregiver and a believer. It wasnt just about attaining the perfect balance or pose, but much more about being present with the body and mind right now in this moment. Having an appreciation for my body, and loving it for how it has served me through my life.

I knew I loved to teach through all of my dance years but I really wanted to bring the peace I have through Yoga to others that needed that same kind of centeredness after caring for children or ailing loved ones. I want to help provide that moment of respite and recovery.

Let’s Begin your journey